About NeuPrime / Imprint

NeuPrime hosting provider is located in Frankfurt, Germany.

Our mission is to provide scalable, robust and comfort Web Hosting services for European customers.

NeuPrime GmbH hosting equipment is located at Frankfurt city (Germany). This is the heart of Internet in Europe, allowing for perfect connectivity for customers all over the world.

Hosting equipment is made by Intel and Cisco, including latest blade and 1U platforms for maximal efficiency, redundant storage arrays, NVME SSDs and every technology needed to run your Web project fine, stable and green.

NeuPrime GmbH

Friedrich-Karl-Klausing-Straße 7, 60438 Frankfurt am Main
Fax: +49 69 71 44 76 72
Phone: +49 69 94 75 99 33

UST-IdNr: DE275603306
Steuernummer: 047 240 21247

Wise Europe S.A
IBAN: BE69 9050 8679 3078

Geschäftsführer: Petr Malakhin
Email: adm@neuprime.com