Web and VPS Hosting Automation API


NeuPrime Hosting API supports automation of basic and advanced tasks.

API Usage Basics and Examples

Queries are HTTPS to https://www.neuprime.com/api/. You can use both GET and POST as you wish. Response is JSON.

You need token to start. Here is an example:

  • https://www.neuprime.com/api/auth/start?login=[neuprime-login] - returns salt string
  • https://www.neuprime.com/api/auth/login?login=[neuprime-login]&salt=[salt]&response=[md5(passwod+salt+line-feed-symbol)] - this returns token
    MD5 PHP example: md5($password.$salt."\n")

You should store the token and use the token for any future requests. Token voids if you change account password.

Further example:

  • https://www.neuprime.com/api/billing/info?_token_=[token] - generic data query for the account

API HTTP 200 are success. JSON can be like this:

  • [ "string" ]: or "OK", or "[number]" (cast to int), if ID is returned
  • [ { ... } , { ... } ] (array): if 0 or more structures returned ("field":"value" hash).
HTTP > 200 mean error, usually the body contains description, like this: "ERROR: vds.missing".

NeuPrime API Commands & Usage Considerations

Most API exports, such as /list, return internal structures that should be treated with obvious manual observations "as is".

If you have questions about the fields, feel free to contact support@neuprime.com.

Available API Commands

https://www.neuprime.com/api + address below. Mandatory input value is _token_. The rest is from the manual. Mandatory is marked [like this]. Examples and/or defaults are given (like this).



	Destroy current token.

	Internal usage, do not call.

	Internal usage, do not call.

	Internal usage, do not call.






	_key_ - first ID or 0 to show all


	[_key_] - /vds/list|id

	[_key_] - /vds/list|id


	[type] (vds.dynamic) vz1|vz2|vz3|vz4|vz5|vds.dynamic|vds.dynamic.nv
	[cr_hvmem] (2048)
	[cr_hvdsk] (30)
	[cr_hvcpu] (2)
	[template] (win2012R2x64)
	[panel_install] - 1|0
	[cr_ssd1] - 1|0
	[cr_hv_all_system] - 1|0

	_key_ - /vds/list|id
	[cr_hvmem] (2048)
	[cr_hvdsk] (30)
	[cr_hvcpu] (2)	

	_key_ - /vds/list|id

	_key_ - /vds/list|id

	_key_ - /vds/list|id

	_key_ - /vds/list|id
	[force_critical] - 1|0

	_key_ - /vds/list|id
	online - 1|0




	_key_ - email address (string)

	_key_ - email address (string)

	name - website name (temp subdomain), keep simple, unique and short
	srv_type -
		99901	Best for PHP
		99902	Best for ASP, ASP.NET
		99903	Best for Static Content
		8	.NET 2 - 3.5
		99904	.NET 4+, .Core
		1	Legacy ASP + .NET 2 - 3.5
		4	mod_php 5.2
		9	mod_php 5.3
		10	mod_php 5.4
		11	mod_php 5.5
		12	mod_php 5.6
		13	mod_php 7.0
		15	mod_php 7.1
		16	mod_php 7.2
		17	mod_php 7.3
		18	mod_php 7.4
		19	mod_php 8.0
		20	mod_php 8.1
		21	mod_php 8.2
		5	PHP - FastCGI
		6	PHP - CGI (not recommended)
		20008	Frankfurt - .NET 2 - 3.5
		29994	Frankfurt - .NET 4+
		2004	Frankfurt - mod_php 5.2
		2009	Frankfurt - mod_php 5.3
		2010	Frankfurt - mod_php 5.4
		2011	Frankfurt - mod_php 5.5
		2012	Frankfurt - mod_php 5.6
		2013	Frankfurt - mod_php 7.0
		2015	Frankfurt - mod_php 7.1
		2016	Frankfurt - mod_php 7.2
		2017	Frankfurt - mod_php 7.3
		2018	Frankfurt - mod_php 7.4
		2019	Frankfurt - mod_php 8.0
		2020	Frankfurt - mod_php 8.1
		2021	Frankfurt - mod_php 8.2
		2005	Frankfurt - PHP - FastCGI

	_key_ - /website/list|id

	(not recommented - use /website/ API)

	_key_ - /ftp/list|id
	(not recommented - use /website/ API)


	[iis_site_for_dns] - /website/list|id OR "ip_a.b.c.d" string to bind to VDS
	[bind_only] - 1|0

	_key_ - /dns/list|id
	[dns_to] - /website/list|id OR "ip_a.b.c.d" string to bind to VDS

	_key_ - /dns/list|id

	_key_ - /dns/list|id
	upd_managed_mx - 1
	managed_mx - 1|0 - add/keep/update (1) or delete (0) hosting-managed root MX record

	_key_ - /dns/list|id
	s_del = 1 to delete record, DO NOT specify ANY s_del to create record
	s_add = 1 to create record, DO NOT specify ANY s_add to delete record
	dns_name = record name or @ for root
	dns_value = record content, dnscmd.exe format (A: [ip], CNAME: [name], MX: [priority] [target])



	[show_all - 1|0]



API Advice

This is internal API used for our Mobile platform apps and different like-that purposes.

It is now do not have 100% coverage. If you miss something, we can do things you need really fast. feel free to contact support@neuprime.com.