Virtual Servers with Windows OS can run at NeuPrime in two modes - compatibility mode (default) and VirtIO-optimized mode.
In compatibility mode, we offer emulated SATA/AHCI disk adapter and Intel Pro 1000 network card. This works fine most of the time, and for simple systems, this is OK for operation. However, optimized mode can sometimes do better, faster or more reliable.
In optimized VirtIO mode VPS is offered emulated virtio-scsi disk adapter and virtio-net network adapter. These are native to virtualization system used, and can offer best results. However, this is not standard for Windows OS, and drivers are required.
VirtIO for Windows drivers are made by RedHat, leading Linux virtualization manufacturer.
For Windows Server 2016 and newer, or Windows 10 and newer, download and install virtio-win-gt-0-1-221-x64.msi.
For Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows 8.1, download and install virtio-win-gt-x64-0-1-173-9-2012r2.msi.
During setup take attention to what system writes to ensure that everything got installed.
For earlier Windows versions you can download this package - virtio-win-all-0-1-221.exe. This is for manual installation ("Have Disk" mode).
You can run drivers installation any time. This will not harm working system.
Open "Device Manager" and ensure that you see the device "Red Hat VirtIO SCSI pass-through controller" online and working.
For earlier Windows versions (2008 R2, Windows 8, etc) - find SCSI controller with a question mark, and install the driver manually from the location of extracted driver package, for example, (your-system-disk):\virtio-win-all-0-1-221\vioscsi\2k8R2\amd64\.
After all, things should look like this:
If you do not see any SCSI storage device like that, windows Shutdown may be required to update virtual environment. Use "Shutdown" mode for this. Reboot will not help. Shut down machine will be restarted in a few minutes, and after that you should see the controller up and running.
If you cannot set up VirtIO SCSI, do not continue..
Be ready for some adjustments after you do the switch.
Some disks on new controller can go to "offline" state after you swtich, or can get different drive letters not as before. This can be adjusted with "Disk Manager" from inside Windows. Backup solutions may also be surprised, be ready to re-tune backups.
Network card will change to Red Hat VirtIO Ethernet Adapter. Be ready it will be default DHCP setting after you switch. If you have more than one IP address, you will have to set it up manually on the new adapter. Copy first IP settings from DHCP settings. Add second and on IPs according to the Control Panel list (netmask /24 is
To make it simple, you can use ipconfig /all command before you switch to list current configuration. You can later use it as a reference.
If you have single IP only, everything will work automatically with DHCP, no attention required.
Now you can switch "VirtIO" checkbox for your VPS in our Control Panel.
Windows Shutdown is required to update virtual enviromnent. Use "Shutdown" mode for this. Reboot will not help. Shut down machine will be restarted in a few minutes, and after that you should see all disks and network bound to optimized hardware.
Use VNC console to check things up. If you see reboot in a loop or like that, disable "VirtIO" mode in our Control Panel, and do "Reset" command with our control panel. In a few minutes VPS will be boot up on old mode and work as usual.
Contact support after that for help on how to switch to optimized mode.